Flower Essences 101: How do flower essences work? (Part 2/2)

Flower Essences 101: How do flower essences work? Part 2


Let’s talk more about how flower essences work.

A few days ago, I mentioned how flower essences can help release emotional blockages. I shared Machaelle Small Wright’s position that the central nervous system can short-circuit due to stress and trauma, and how flower essences can help repair these damaged connections.

Of course, it’s important to remember this happens energetically, or vibrationally!

Here are two more perspectives on how flower essences work.

In Energy Medicine: Healing from the Kingdoms of Nature, Sabina Pettitt writes: “Essences work to change something which is out of balance or in a state of dis-ease in the multi-dimensional human. There is an innate intelligence in all of life which demonstrates a natural tendency towards orderliness.” [pg. 12]

Her essences are informed by her work as an acupuncturist and linked to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) meridians and Ayurvedic chakras.

Chakras are energy centres that open, close, and draw in energy.

In Stars of the Meadow: Exploring Medicinal Herbs as Flower Essences, David Dalton explains that flower essences “[bring] imprints of trauma to the surface where they can be worked with and released.” [pg. xii] His flower essences are also associated with the human energy system via the chakras.

In my experience, flower essences help foster energetic homeostasis, so our vitality is enhanced. Flower essences can redirect our awareness to sensations and situations we didn’t notice previously.

By becoming aware of the problematic patterns in our lives, we can make changes for the better.

Here are the references for these two excellent resources:

Dalton, David. Stars of the Meadow: Exploring Medicinal Herbs as Flower Essences. Lindisfarne Books. 2013. This book can be purchased here.

Pettitt, Sabina. Energy Medicine: Healing from the Kingdoms of Nature. Pacific Essences. 1999. This book can be purchased here.

Hope you enjoyed these different, but complementary, perspectives on how flower essences can work.

Next week, let’s dive into how flower essences are made!

Did you miss parts of this Flower Essences 101 course?

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