Flower Essences 101: Are flower essences safe?

Are flower essences safe? Flower Essences 101

Today we’re talking about flower essences and safety.

Most of us will probably agree that nothing can be 100% safe, for every body, all the time. You can be allergic to anything, even the 🌞. But flower essences are pretty safe for most people, most of the time!

Flower essences have a very short ingredients list. On the surface of things (that’s a flower essence joke #sorrynotsorry), they are H2O + alcohol. They contain the flowers’ vibrational frequencies, but the finished products do not contain any physical plant materials.

So, they don’t come with the same contraindications or caveats that herbs, essential oils, or even supplements can.

Because flower essences act at an energetic level, there’s little worry about them interacting with, or reducing the effectiveness of, prescribed medications.

But since flower essences are commonly preserved with alcohol, you may wish to consult your doc if you take any meds.

Children and pets often respond quickly to flower essences. And since they tend to be energetically resilient already, less is more. You may wish to use essences preserved with apple cider vinegar if you plan to use them orally.

If you have a medical concern or condition, please discuss flower essences with your primary care health provider. And of course, flower essences should never be used to replace medical care or treatment.

The long and short answer is that for most people, in most circumstances, flower essences are very safe.

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