Flower Essences 101: How to Choose Flower Essences

How do I choose flower essences? Flower Essences 101

Selecting a suitable flower essence (or blend) is part art, part science, and often, part intuition or gut instinct!

You can choose essences on an ‘analytical’ basis by reading essence descriptions. These are found in flower essence books, repertories and other resource materials.

For example:

⭐ Are you looking for an essence to help bring calm and comfort in the face of stress and overwhelm? Maybe think borage.

⭐ Are you looking for a blend of essences to help you set and maintain strong, healthy boundaries? Maybe think yarrow.

Using your conscious mind is one way to choose.

If you tend to be methodical and more left-brained, an analytical approach may work well for you!

You can also choose essences on an ‘intuitive’ basis. I believe every single one of us is intuitive… but perhaps we’ve forgotten or walled off this part of ourselves.

With an intuitive approach, consider:

🌺 Which images or photos are you drawn to?
🏵 Are you attracted to certain colours or shapes?
🌿 Do you practice kinesiology (muscle testing) or dowsing (with a pendulum or other methods)?

An intuitive approach may work well for you!

Feeling overwhelmed about all your options and not sure which flower essence(s) to choose?

You can also book a Personal Flower Essence Consultation with me. A single flower essence or a blend will be carefully and consciously chosen for you, and shipped to your door.

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